HARTSELLE — So, how dedicated are you to Alabama football?
If you answer that you have season tickets and that you go to every game, that's not good enough for Tim and Hannah Witt.
They do that, too.
But, if you say that you are naming your children after something associated with Crimson Tide football, then you're at the level the couple says separates "regular fans" from "die-hard fans."
As early as mid-January, the Witts knew their second child was a boy, and they knew his name would be Saban.
That's right, Saban Hardin Witt, who was born Tuesday at about 5 p.m. in Decatur General Hospital, is named after Alabama head football coach Nick Saban. He was two weeks early and weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces.
So, what if Saban doesn't succeed as Alabama's football coach?
"We'll tell our son he was named after one of the highest paid coaches in college football," the father said.
What if Saban Witt turns into an Auburn fan?
"We'll put him up for adoption," his father, joked. "I'm not worried about that. He was bleeding Crimson before he was born, and I'm going to make sure he continues to bleed Crimson."
Older brother is Tyde
The Witts of Hartselle named their first child, who is 23 months old, Tyde Timothy Witt. He's already attended several Alabama football games.
The family will introduce Saban Witt to tailgating and to the Tide nation when Alabama plays Florida State on Sept. 29 at Alltel Stadium in Jacksonville, Fla.
"My parents are going to the game to baby-sit," his father said.
Hannah Witt, a third-grade teacher at Crestline Elementary in Hartselle, was almost six months pregnant before the Witts decided on a name. Initially, they talked about honoring legendary Alabama coach Paul "Bear" Bryant.
"We were going to spell it differently," she said, of the name Bear.
But, the father said one of his good friends, who is a coach in Limestone County, has the nickname "Bear" so they opted against that.
Tim Witt, who watched the Alabama coaching search as closely as anyone, said he thought about naming the baby Saban Jan. 4 after Athletic Director Mal Moore introduced Nick Saban as the Tide's head football coach.
Warming to name
"Hannah was at school, and I called and left her a message," he recalled. "She wasn't excited about the name initially, but after about a week, she started to like it."
The mother said she knew they were going with a name with an Alabama theme, but Saban didn't seem right initially.
"I thought he was crazy in the beginning," she said. "I told some people. They said it was unique, and it grew on me."
The father said friends told him he was crazy.
The Witts said both sets of grandparents — Wayne and Inez Witt of Hatton and Joe and Paula Hardin of Falkville — approved the name.
Hartselle Mayor Dwight Tankersley goes to church with the Witts at Fairview Church of God and tailgates with them at Alabama home games.
Although Saban hasn't coached a game at Alabama, Tankersley isn't surprised that the couple selected that name.
"Just about everybody in church knows they are Alabama football fanatics," Tankersley said.
"Their first child is Tyde. I don't think anybody in church is surprised."
If you answer that you have season tickets and that you go to every game, that's not good enough for Tim and Hannah Witt.
They do that, too.
But, if you say that you are naming your children after something associated with Crimson Tide football, then you're at the level the couple says separates "regular fans" from "die-hard fans."
As early as mid-January, the Witts knew their second child was a boy, and they knew his name would be Saban.
That's right, Saban Hardin Witt, who was born Tuesday at about 5 p.m. in Decatur General Hospital, is named after Alabama head football coach Nick Saban. He was two weeks early and weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces.
So, what if Saban doesn't succeed as Alabama's football coach?
"We'll tell our son he was named after one of the highest paid coaches in college football," the father said.
What if Saban Witt turns into an Auburn fan?
"We'll put him up for adoption," his father, joked. "I'm not worried about that. He was bleeding Crimson before he was born, and I'm going to make sure he continues to bleed Crimson."
Older brother is Tyde
The Witts of Hartselle named their first child, who is 23 months old, Tyde Timothy Witt. He's already attended several Alabama football games.
The family will introduce Saban Witt to tailgating and to the Tide nation when Alabama plays Florida State on Sept. 29 at Alltel Stadium in Jacksonville, Fla.
"My parents are going to the game to baby-sit," his father said.
Hannah Witt, a third-grade teacher at Crestline Elementary in Hartselle, was almost six months pregnant before the Witts decided on a name. Initially, they talked about honoring legendary Alabama coach Paul "Bear" Bryant.
"We were going to spell it differently," she said, of the name Bear.
But, the father said one of his good friends, who is a coach in Limestone County, has the nickname "Bear" so they opted against that.
Tim Witt, who watched the Alabama coaching search as closely as anyone, said he thought about naming the baby Saban Jan. 4 after Athletic Director Mal Moore introduced Nick Saban as the Tide's head football coach.
Warming to name
"Hannah was at school, and I called and left her a message," he recalled. "She wasn't excited about the name initially, but after about a week, she started to like it."
The mother said she knew they were going with a name with an Alabama theme, but Saban didn't seem right initially.
"I thought he was crazy in the beginning," she said. "I told some people. They said it was unique, and it grew on me."
The father said friends told him he was crazy.
The Witts said both sets of grandparents — Wayne and Inez Witt of Hatton and Joe and Paula Hardin of Falkville — approved the name.
Hartselle Mayor Dwight Tankersley goes to church with the Witts at Fairview Church of God and tailgates with them at Alabama home games.
Although Saban hasn't coached a game at Alabama, Tankersley isn't surprised that the couple selected that name.
"Just about everybody in church knows they are Alabama football fanatics," Tankersley said.
"Their first child is Tyde. I don't think anybody in church is surprised."
*** From the Decatur Daily News
So what happens if Nick Saban leaves Alabama, or what if he loses every game? You know what, I'm gonna name my first son Jesus. That way I know he'll always be right and he'll probably be able to turn water into wine, heal the blind, and never die.
I seriously feel sorry for this child. They say you can't pick your parents. Well now we know of one person who will be truly angry at the situation he was born into. This will probably lead to spousal abuse, the owning of a rusted out Trans-Am, teenage pregnancy, and tooth loss. Not in that order.
Have a good week.
i don't know about the spousal abuse and tooth loss and stuff, but he probably will be called satan once or twice in his lifetime while being picked on. i think the people who said the name was unique were just being nice. i'm sure i wouldn't name a child howard, ford, hatfield, or bowden, but what the hell, they are from alabama. HAHAHA.... i named my two mutts after cities in georgia and mississippi, so to each his own. you guys have a good week. thank you nation for a very informative and enlightening story.
Ha ha yeah, its probably unfair to predict spousal abuse and tooth loss. But if i had to bet........
Good luck to your Tigers Lola.
Nation-- That commentary at the bottom was hillarious. Owning a rusted out Trans Am is must for most Alabama fans. Did that article mention what year the parents graduated from UAT? Typical, sidewalk almuni!
That pic is not of the actual family.
But its exactly how i imagined them so i thought it was fitting
well auburn is gonna be counting on a true freshman this year. after watching the a-day game i can say with 100% confidence that my little sister could kick better than the gays we have on campus.
Wes Byrum come on down
is the correct term not......smoking a cigarette while holding a baby and pumping gas?!?!?!
dr., I believe the brotherhood plus lola should hear about your saturday night as a filmaker from portland!!
Those texts added to a delightful evening for me. I did my damnedest to ruin that tux but only got a lil bit o' chocolate cake on the shirt
Does anybody ever know?
That right there is great.
absolutely, nation, I love it and only wish I had better stories
dr, I could agree on that.
Turner is making a reality show of first time home buyers here in atl that they are calling "Property Virgins".....they have interviewed my roomates hot realtor as a consultant.....I would bet it either A. never makes the air B. name is changed
This weekend, women in their 20's didnt like me but women in their 30's loooooooooooved Wilbur Churchill
I too feel like my life is a soap opera from time to time.
Its like we used to say in college, if somebody would take all of our stories and pull the funniest ones to make a movie, it would be an instant hit.
"That is going in the movie!"
^^^^ There you go!!
Not sure about Old Blue but i'm sure Brad Pitt or perhaps George Clooney would be willing to play me. Since they have my type of life experience and physical make up.
Eat turds daddy
Actually, I will be Clooney, $ & Daddy will be Brokeback Mountain, Nation can be Pitt and I guess the Dr. is the director/producer after this weekend.
there is only one actor for you kingdom.....
Clonts could be played by John Candy (nevermind...rest his soul....Great Outdoors was already used in Gatlinburg), Jim Belushi, Horatio Sanz, Andy Richter, John Goodman, Alec Baldwin, Chevy Chase, or the great Jack Black.
I honestly don`t know how you remembered Rick Moranis, but that just made me gut laugh for a few minutes.
Daddy could be played by Rainn Wilson.
Kingdom would be played by Rikki Lake or Randy Jackson.
Nation would be played by George Burns, Ian Zerring, Martin Sheen, or Steve Carrell.
I would be played by one of the Owens brothers, Vince Vaughn, or any normal badass actor.
Did anyone see where G`vt Mule is playing in TTown on April 21? They are playing at the Jupiter Bar and Grill. Tix are $25. Could be a fun little trip.
Daddy- Bowling any day this week except Friday...going to Gulf Shroes.
Ian Zeiring?
Shakey asking for an ass whoopin from Steven fn Seagal!!!
$=Haley Joel Osmon or queer another child actor or Kenny from South Park
Diddy=Richard Simmons
Nation=Larry David or
Churchill/Kingdom=Colin Farrell or Russell Crowe...my name is maximus
Dr=Cartman from Southpark
Went to my first broker function at lunch.....nice tenderloin w/ horsey sauce....any know someone who wants 60,000sq ft in downtown atl...lemme know!!!
Daddy--What about today?
Nation--you remember Ian Zerring! He was "Steve" from 90210. Remember 90210? It was that show that first aired when you were a Senior in high school.
Kingdom-- Billy Bob from Varsity Blues or Bentio Del Toro from Fear and Loathing...not Bentio from Usual Suspects.
I remember who he is you idiots. But in no way do i look like that asshole.
And it aired when i was in middle school, punks.
If Brad Pitt won't play me then i guess it will have to be Bo jackson.
More like Michael Jackson, Nation!
Ha ha or maybe Jesse Jackson!
Jibbity jibbity and ratta tat tat.....
Anything from $ to me is a fat joke so you are not the only one, Dr. At least he did not call you Rikki Lake.
And Benicio in Fear & Loath may be for the state of mind over his nuptial. I got druuuuuuuuuuuuunk. This is what happens when I quit smokin'.
$ is asking for a form tackle.
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