Monday, September 24, 2007

Under Armour should come to me about protecting houses.....seriously

For starters I just want to say, in the immortal words of Frank Ricard of Old School....."I had an AWESOME time".....this weekend. Auburn wins, bammer loses...........and I knocked somebody the hell out.

Yes.....since most of the 5 people who read this blog were around on Saturday after the altercation I will refrain from going into detail on the world wide web.....but lets just say that its not nice to enter someones home at 1am in a drunken-drugged rage and attack said get your face broken.

I will tell the story for free to anyone who feels like calling or emailing......

daddy, shakes, i just can't stop thinking about how crazy that was. I want to stop talking about it but its just like a freaking movie that keeps playing in my head.......


Daddy said...

I cant believe it either. Excellent story and addition to the movie. "look at the blood stains".

tigernation said...

yeah i had to clean them up yesterday. just too nasty. After talking to EY yesterday i realized that my house IS scary for girls...especially after friday night

King of Tigerland said...

good post, nation. WTF?? I am looking forward to a good story so email back when you get a chance.

Cousin Larry said...

give me some details. email is, sounds more exciting than my weekend except for when the two Bama girls walked into the Bucketshop wearing their gear and houndstooth baseball hats. They were booed and taunted incessantly. One of them actually started screaming thank you, jesus after Bama scored in the fourth. I asked her why she would thank jesus for a touchdown and she told me that she was Catholic. WTF??? She then proceeded to try to explain using Notre Dame as an example. When I told her that Notre Dame was more of an offset of Catholicism rather than the other way around, she just looked at me like I was a retard.

ShakeYour$Maker said...

Cousin Larry...thats a Bama bitch for ya. I hate those bastards with a passion, except for my boy, Carl Montgomery.

King of Tigerland said...

An off shoot of catholicism...great!!! This catholic loves it!!

Why of all places in ATL would you go to the Bucketshop, home of the ATL AU Alumni Club?!?!?!?!

tigernation said...

bammers are not the sharpest tools in the should know that.

Hey, I KNOW carl montgomery would like tha story from the weekend