A new world record hammerhead shark was caught in Boca Grande Pass o
14.5 foot 1262 lb. shark dragged the 23 ft. boat 12 miles offshore during the 6 hour struggle. It was caught with live stingray.
What the hell? This new "blow out" rule by the Connecticut high school association infuriates me. Newly adopted, if a team beat another by more the 50 points then the winning coach is suspended the next game. Bob Jones football coach Frank T. Sadler used to say that if you don't want us to blow you out then don't let us score. It is your own fault if y
I do love Elisha.
Going on the lake tomorrow. Should be fun.
Big sale on Monday....BIG sale
heading to BB's place at lake chatuge on the nc/ga border......
wish me luck fellas.....hopefully Wilber will be employed after 4 pm today
the post got messed up with that many pics but I had to get that hammer on htere
all have a good one!
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